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maximizing your profile

Using a Google Business Profile enhance your online presence, attract ​more potential clients, and build trust through positive reviews, ultimately ​boosting your business.

types of profile posts

Types of google business profile posts

  1. Property Listing - Property For Sale & Open Houses
  2. Seller/Buyer Education - Home Buyer & Seller Tips

Property listing posts

  1. property listing

Use this post type for profiles to help boost property listing visibility.

Key Features

  • Description: Start with “For Sale” or “New Listing”. Include the property location - city and state at a minimum, ​ideally full address. Include property listing price, bed and bath count, and any features that make the property ​stand out.
  • Image: Add the best image of the property, with the address visible on the picture, if possible.
  • CTA: Learn more button linking to the property page.


Open House

Post Type: Event

Key Features

  • Title: “Open House: [INSERT PROPERTY ADDRESS]
  • Date/Time: Include the date and time of the open house.
  • Description: Invite visitors to the open house using “open house” keywords and listing key marketable features ​of the property.
  • Image: Include the best photo of the property.
  • CTA: Learn more button linking to the property page.


seller/buyer education posts

2. Seller/buyer education

Use this post type to help increase seller and buyer interactions.

Home Buyer Tips

Post Type: Update

Key Features

  • Description: Include keywords like “home buyer,” “buying home” and “new home purchase”. If referencing a ​blog post, list at least one benefit readers will get from reading the post. Otherwise, include at least one tip or ​stat to help home buyers.
  • Image: If referencing a blog post, include the hero image from the blog. Otherwise, use a relevant photo of an ​eye-catching house, home buyer guide, etc.
  • CTA: Learn more button linking to a blog post about buyer tips or the home buyer page.


Seller Tips

Post Type: Update

Key Features

  • Description: Include keywords like “seller,” “sell your home” and “list your home”. Call out how you can provide ​value to home sellers (i.e. “earn top-dollar”) or provide a tip to help out sellers. If referencing a blog post, ​mention how the blog can provide value to sellers.
  • Image: If referencing a blog post, include the hero image from the blog. Otherwise, use a seller-focused photo ​- ReeceNichols sold sign, house for sale, etc.
  • CTA: Learn more button linking to the home seller page or associate seller blog post.


business profile reviews

Google business review campaign process

Who to Ask for Reviews

To avoid negative reviews, anyone who is asked for a review should have had a perceived positive experience ​with you. Some examples of different audiences to ask are listed below.

  • Satisfied clients who recently bought or sold their home
  • Partners with you

How to Ask for Reviews

  1. Get the Review Link: To find the link clients will use to leave a review, log in to your Google Business Profile on ​the backend. On the backend, select “Ask for Reviews,” and copy the link.



2. Ask for Reviews via Email: Draft an email to ask the client(s) for a review. Use one of the templates listed ​below to get started:

a. For a ReeceNichols Partner: I trust this message finds you well. I highly value the collaborative partnerships I ​have with professionals like you. Your insights and experiences are crucial in showcasing the strength of my ​network.

I invite you to share your thoughts by leaving a review for my business on Google. Your feedback not only ​strengthens our partnership but also provides valuable information to those considering working with me.

Please take a moment to leave a review using the following link: [INSERT GOOGLE REVIEW LINK]

Your contribution is greatly appreciated, and I thank you for being an integral part of my community.

b. For a Previous Homebuyer or Seller: We hope this message finds you well! At ReeceNichols, we are ​committed to providing exceptional service to our clients, and your feedback is valuable in helping us maintain and ​improve our standards.

We would be grateful if you could take a moment to share your experience with ReeceNichols by leaving a review ​on Google. Your insights will not only help us better understand your needs but also assist others in making ​informed decisions when choosing a real estate partner.

Here’s how you can leave a review:

  1. Click on the following link: [INSERT GOOGLE REVIEW LINK]
  2. Sign in to your Google account (if you’re not already signed in).
  3. Rate your experience by selecting the number of stars (1 to 5) and leave a brief comment about your journey ​with ReeceNichols.

Thank you for choosing ReeceNichols, and we look forward to hearing about your positive experience!

3. Ask for Reviews via Mail:

a. Use the Google Business review link to create a QR code using any free QR code generator.


b. Once you have the QR code created, include it on any physical mailing campaigns sent out to clients.

An example is provided below.


Replying to Reviews

  • All reviews should be replied to.
  • Respond to reviews in a timely manner - within a couple of days.
  • When responding: Thank the reviewer, use their name, and provide any additional information relevant to the ​review.
    • Positive Review Response Example: Thank you for your great review, Dan! We are so happy our team was ​able to find you a home you love.
    • Negative Review Response Example: Thank you for the review, Amy. We are sorry to see that you did not ​have a good experience with us. Please contact our office if we can improve the situation for you.

upkeep recommendations

google Business Upkeep Recommendations

Maintaining the Google Business Profiles with accurate information and staying active with updates is important ​for retaining profile rankings. The following recommendations specify the information that should be reviewed and ​updated regularly, listed in order of how frequently they should be addressed.

Respond to Reviews

Frequency: Every time a new review comes in.

  • Google shows which reviews have and have not been responded to.
  • All reviews and ratings, both good and bad, should be responded to. The best practice is to respond to reviews ​within a few days. If a review response was missed, do not go back and respond to reviews older than three ​months.
  • In each response, thank the reviewer, include their name, and add additional information relevant to the review ​or the services they received.

Create Posts

Frequency: Once a week.

  • Posts can be made by selecting “Add Update”. From there select between adding an Update, Offer, or Event. ​In most cases, Update will be the best choice.
  • Every Google Business post should include an image, description, and CTA.
  • These posts can include timely information like business events, open houses and new property listings. They ​can also be focused on evergreen content, like buyer and seller education or agent recruiting.

Review the Services

Frequency: Once a month.

  • Google will share suggestions for services to add, based on user feedback or information pulled from the ​website. Make sure to review these suggestions, as sometimes the suggested services are inaccurate.
  • To accept the suggestions, select “OK”. To deny or only accept some of the suggestions, select “Edit”.
  • Beyond reviewing Google’s suggestions, you should not attempt to change the services often. The only time to ​change services is your business starts offering additional services not included on the profile previously.

Upload Photos

Frequency: Once a month.

  • These images can be from recent events, new listings, agents, the office building, etc.
  • Google has specific photo guidelines as follows:
    • Format: JPG or PNG
    • Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB
    • Recommended Resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide
    • Minimum Resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide
    • Quality: The photo should be in focus and well lit, and have no significant alterations or excessive use of ​filters.
  • Google also has specific video guidelines:
    • Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
    • File Size: Up to 75 MB
    • Resolution: 720p or Higher

Add Special Hours

Frequency: Yearly. With any additional updates as needed.

  • Each office profile should be updated with special hours. Special hours are when the office hours of operation ​change for a brief period of time. They include holidays, special events, or other business closures.
  • Make sure to confirm the open hours for all holidays, even if the hours will not change during that day. This will ​make it clear to customers that the special hours are accurate.
  • This is also a good time to review that the standard business hours are accurate as well.

Review the NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number)

Frequency: As business changes are made that could impact this.

  • This information should change very infrequently. However, it is good to periodically ensure the name, address, ​and phone number are accurate to the office profile.
  • Along with this check, review the website for accuracy as well. It should link to each office bio page.

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